
Star of the Sea

Stella Maris © Lawrence Klimecki (Private Commission)
Mary is a guide to be followed on our way to Christ. She is the star that guides us through stormy seas that threaten to overpower us.

"If the winds of temptation arise; If you are driven upon the rocks of tribulation look to the star, call on Mary; If you are tossed upon the waves of pride, of ambition, of envy, of rivalry, look to the star, call on Mary. Should anger, or avarice, or fleshly desire violently assail the frail vessel of your soul, look at the star, call upon Mary." St. Bernard of Clairvaux

"This admirably befits the Virgin Mother.. (for) as the ray does not diminish the brightness of the star, so neither did the Child born of her tarnish the beauty of Mary's virginity" St. Bernard of Clairvaux quoted in Doctor Mellifluus by Pope Pius XII

Mary, Star of the Sea is the patroness of the  Catholic mission to seafarers, The Apostleship of the Sea. On July 10, 2010 the Apostleship of the Sea will celebrate Sea Sunday to remember those who live and work at sea.


Star - A single star represents Mary's title as Stella Maris, the Star of the Sea. It also recalls the Star of Bethlehem that led shepherds and Magi to Christ.

MHP OV - In the halo of the Blessed Mother these Greek initials are abbreviations of her title, Mother of God.

Ship - The ship is a symbol of the Church.

The Sea - The sea in this representation symbolizes the world. A stormy sea threatens to drown us in the secular concerns which distract us from following Christ.

Rock - Mary stands upon a rock, barely seen here it reminds us that Jesus is our rock.

Mariners Cross - The anchor-crucifix and ship's wheel reminds us that through His passion, death, and resurrection, Jesus anchors us in difficult times and guides back to God.

Dolphins - "Heraldic" dolphins. The dolphin is a symbol of resurrection and salvation. It is a long held maritime tradition that dolphins lead the souls of deceased sailors to heaven.