
A Call to Action

As Christians we interpret all of scripture, including the entire Old Covenant, the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms, in the light of the resurrected Christ. Jesus is the suffering servant, raised from the dead and glorified.

The entire salvation history of Israel here on earth, its’ descent into hell, and its’ ultimate rescue from ruin by God, is a lesson given to us that we may understand the true nature of the ultimate death and Resurrection of Jesus for the entire world.

How do we know this? As we see today it was Jesus Himself who opened the minds of the apostles so that they may understand the scriptures. And it is this understanding that has been handed down to us through the Magisterium and Tradition.

It was a lack of understanding, an ignorance that led to the death of the Lord. And it is this ignorance that still keeps people from everlasting light.

Because we have such a powerful advocate with the father, we still may turn around and repent our sins. Christ died for the expiation not only of our sins but for those of the whole world. With that repentance a conversion of heart is required. To choose to remain in ignorance is to live in contradiction and not in the Truth.

Today we receive the great commission from God. As witnesses, as Church, we are to go out to all nations of the world and preach the Good News that through repentance, sins are forgiven.

Pax Vobiscum
3rd Sunday of Easter

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