
We're On A Mission From God

The task is daunting, to go out and preach the Word of God to a hostile world. That is what the apostles were called to do. That is what we are called to do.

The apostles hid in the darkness with the doors locked. Wondering what they were to do next. They wondered how they were to fulfill this mission. The Spirit descended upon them and they broke out of their isolation. Rushing into the market square, they spoke openly of God in all the tongues of the world.

We should not huddle in the dark afraid to go out, afraid to expose ourselves to hostility. It doesn’t matter if the congregation, the world that is the church, does not like us. It does not even matter if we do not like them.

We are the shepherds, the pastors. It is our job. The flock is in need and we are bearers of the Gospel, the announcers of salvation and forgiveness. We have to go. We have a mission. And we are not without help or resources. The Holy Spirit of God has been given to us to strengthen us and gives us the grace we need to accomplish the work that has been set before us.

On that first day, five thousand were baptized into the Kingdom. And at every turn the Holy Spirit continues to surprise and heal and give us courage.

That first day was over two thousand years ago, imagine what we are capable of now.

Pax Vobiscum
Pentecost Sunday

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