
The Call to Sainthood

There is a school of thought, a heresy really, that God is not active in the world. The idea is that God created the world, set it in motion, and then moved on to other things.

But as Catholics we know this is not the case. God remains active in the world and the birth of John the Baptist underscores this truth. All of the prophets of the Old Testament culminated in John. He received from them the message of God’s plan for our salvation and passed that message on to Christ’s first disciples who in turn passed it on to the Church, which has continued to pass on this message through the ages.

We know that God continues to be active in the world because of the many saints he has given to us. Like John the Baptist these are people who recognized their mission, and conformed themselves so closely to Our Lord that you cannot look upon them without seeing in them the light of Christ.

The truth is, we are all called to be saints. It has been said that the entire structure of the Church exists for one purpose, the making of saints. We become saints by pursuing holy lives, fulfilling our role in the building of the Kingdom, the mission that God has assigned to us from eternity.

Each of us has a unique mission in God’s plan that only we can fill. What will be lost if we do not pursue that mission?

Pax Vobiscum
Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist

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