
God is Speaking to Us

St. Brigid of Kildare once spent an evening with Sister Dara, a holy nun who was blind. They talked of the love of the Trinity and the joys of heaven. They were so engaged in their conversation they lost all track of time and were still talking as the sun came up over the Wicklow Mountains. Saint Brigid was in awe of the beauty of the rising sun as it lit up the world around her. At the same time she felt disappointment for Sister Dara who would never see the wonder of God’s creation.

Saint Brigid said a quiet prayer and made the sign of the cross over Dara’s eyes. Immediately the darkness that dimmed her vision was lifted and the sister saw the light of the sun as it glistened on the morning dew and made the whole world alive and radiant. She looked for a little while and then turned to St. Brigid and said, “Close my eyes again dear mother, for when the world is so visible to the eyes, God is less clearly seen to the soul.”

Brigid prayed and again the darkness returned to Dara’s eyes.

God reveals much to us about himself as the Creator of the world around us. But he reveals even more as our Redeemer and Sanctifier, inviting us to share in His divine life.

Our greatest challenge in a world that demands all of our time is to find a quiet space to listen as God speaks to us.

Pax Vobiscum
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

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