
Ask For An Explanation

From the beginning there were those who could not accept the offering of love and family God extends to His people. Many will follow, but only up to the point where they are challenged.

Joshua challenged the Israelites to choose whom they will serve. Jesus challenged His followers with his teaching regarding the Eucharist. In both cases there were those who turned away.

We see this even today. When people are challenged they frequently turn away because they cannot accept what is being taught. The great tragedy of this is that they often do not ask for a fuller teaching they simply make assumptions and walk away.

The letter of Paul to the Ephesians is an example of the challenges that confront us in scripture. Many take a very narrow view of this passage to the detriment of our dignity as Children of God. But the entire passage referring to submission must be read in the context of the very first line, “Be subordinate to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

Submission is not a right demanded by one person from another, it is a blessing and a privilege of faith, given freely out of love for God.

Marriage and family is undergoing a crisis today. Let us pray for the strength and enlightenment to defend the Christian family as a source of blessings for the whole world. Let us make Joshua’s words a reality in our lives,

“As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”

Pax Vobiscum
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

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