
Why We Suffer

In today’s Gospel, the sons of Zebedee do not know what they are asking. They are still thinking in terms of an earthly kingdom with royal privileges and honors. But rather than flatly deny them, Jesus instead tries to make them understand that what they have asked for is to share in His passion. They readily assure Jesus that they can handle it. Our Lord then promises them that they will indeed share in His cup.

Isaiah speaks of the suffering servant who gives up his life that many will be justified. This is what James and John have asked to share in, to suffer for the sake of others.

Theologians and philosophers have long debated why God allows suffering in the world. Perhaps this is the closest we will ever come to an answer.

In a miraculous and mysterious way, all suffering, sickness, torture, and martyrdom, endured for the sake of Christ and His Gospel is united to the suffering of Christ on the cross. And as we share in His suffering we also share in the fruits of that passion. Our sorrows united with those of Christ are offered for the redemption and atonement of the many.

We have been baptized into His passion and death. Our sufferings are our portion of the cup promised to those who believe in Him and follow Him, a cup that is also the source of our salvation. Let us confidently approach the throne of grace, and partake in that saving cup.

Pax Vobiscum
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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