
Talent On Loan From God

There is a popular radio talk show host who was fond of saying “talent on loan from God.” It always puzzled me that his critics were so harsh on him for using this aphorism because of course we all have talent on loan from God. We are all chosen. We are all apostles. We are all sent.

But few of us feel worthy of this calling. Isaiah, Peter, and Paul all expressed their feelings of unworthiness when God called them to fulfill their mission. In fact a feeling of utter unworthiness and distance from God is usually necessary before one accepts their mission. But God wastes nothing and each of us have our task, even if we ignore it and put it off for years, if we open our hearts to listen, we will always hear God calling us to accept our role and live for something greater than ourselves.

And that is the point of today’s scripture. We can go on our way seeking wealth, fame and material things, or we can express ourselves in the work God has placed us here to do. And the world desperately needs us. The world needs fishers of men who speak the Truth with love.

God may call us at any stage of our life, young or old, in wealth or in poverty, and ask the question He asked Isaiah, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for me?”

May we all be ready to answer, “Here I am Lord, send me.”

Pax Vobiscum
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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