
Peter and Love for God

In today’s readings we see established the relationship between Christ and the papacy. The apostles, the fishers of men are unsuccessful in their efforts. But by listening to God they experience a miraculous catch. Peter goes to the Lord and stands beside Him, as Hans Urs von Balthasar would say, “on the bedrock of eternity.” The rest of the apostles bring their harvest to Peter and the Lord and it is Peter who hauls in the entire catch.

The Lord then establishes Peter’s devotion to lead His Church by allowing Peter to affirm his love for Christ three times, and in doing so he repents of his three denials of Jesus.

Love for God is thus unconditionally linked to the papacy. And as the first pope Peter will follow the example of Jesus and go to his own death by crucifixion, giving up even his life for the Church, rejoicing that he had been found worthy to suffer dishonor for the sake of the Name.

The cross of suffering is bound up with the office that leads the Church. The more seriously a pope takes his office, the greater will be his suffering.

Within 24 hours of his election, Holy Father Francis was attacked with distorted facts, bad reporting, and outright lies.

Let us pray for our pope, Francis, that the Holy Spirit strengthen him to endure the attacks of the enemy, and may he be shown to be a worthy shepherd to the people God has entrusted to him, Lord hear our prayer.

Pax Vobiscum
3rd Subday of Easter

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