
The Mystery of the Holy Spirit

The love between God the Father and God the Son is so strong that it forms a third person, the Holy Spirit. As the Son is the one who reveals to us the Father, Jesus is our entrance into this love.

The Holy Spirit is the most mysterious person of the Holy Trinity. He reveals Himself to us in many forms. At Pentecost He is wind and fire but He can also come to us by stirring our hearts with a quiet inner voice. In whatever form we encounter Him He always leads us to a deeper understanding of Christ, His word, His suffering, and His life.

John tells us, like the wind, the Holy Spirit blows where He will, we can perceive Him but we do not know from where He comes or to where He goes. The Spirit is the fire and storm that burns our hearts and sets our souls alight with love for God. He impels us to speak, to spread the Truth as we have received it and in turn ignite the hearts of those who hear us.

Through us the Holy Spirit works to bring all of humanity back to God. What was dispersed at the Tower of Babel is brought back together at Pentecost. Each person heard the apostles speak to him or her in their native tongue. The Holy Spirit continues to work uniquely through each of us so that all who listen hear the message in a language they know by heart.

Pax Vobiscum

Pentecost Sunday

1 comment:

  1. Lawrence, did you write this? Is is -- may I say -- inspired!
    Grandfather Brown
