
Taking Up Our Cross

As Disciples of Christ we are called to decide every day to pick up our cross and follow Him. This goes much further than bearing our own little problems from day to day. It means that we are actually called to set aside those problems, and not let them distract us. We are called to die to ourselves, to no longer make decisions based on our self-serving interests. Instead we are to live completely, entirely for Christ. We follow Him by giving up everything, even our lives if necessary, for God.

We are called to deny ourselves. We take up our cross, the burden we assume by choosing to be Disciples, and we follow. By doing this we gain far more than we lose, we find our true selves.

This is what Saint Paul means when he tells us we must clothe ourselves with Christ, not as an external garment but rather we must lose ourselves completely in Him. As Christians we do not each wear our own personal garment, we put on the garment of Christ. The living Christ takes all of us into Himself, and we become one, one with each other and one in Him.

We cannot avoid making decisions; we all must make them everyday. But we can decide, everyday, who we are. Are we here to just get by with a minimum of discomfort? Or are we part of something larger and greater than ourselves? Who are we willing to give up our lives for?

Pax Vobiscum
12th Sunday in Sunday

1 comment:

  1. I had an experience today that showed that I am a cross to some others without even knowing it ! good intentions can be misinterpreted. At that point its best to shake the dust off ones' feet, pray for guidance in finding the open window when the door is slammed in your face.
