
Hear, O Israel...

In the story of Mary and Martha, we may be left a little confused. Why was Martha rebuked for her hospitality? Even looking to the first reading does not help much as it seems to be entirely focused on Abraham’s hospitality to the Lord. But remember, Martha was not scolded for her actions until she attempted to take Mary away from listening to Jesus.

It is a matter of priorities. “There is need of only one thing.” Listening to the Word of God, spoken by Jesus, must take precedence before action. We cannot earn this Word through our actions; it is freely given to any who are open and willing to listen. We cannot expect to be able to act in accordance with God’s will if we have not first listened to His Word.

Before the Lord appeared to Abraham by the terebinth of Mamre, Abraham listened to God and was obedient to His will. Even the great prayer of the Jewish people, the Shemah, begins with the words “Hear, O Israel.”

Our actions must follow and be obedient to this “listening.” Faith must come before works. We do not imagine that our faith will grow from doing good deeds. Rather it is through listening to God that we will be moved to offer good works.

Mary listened at the Lord’s feet, and anointed Him for burial. And the Lord defended her deeds from all attacks. In doing so He established Mary as a model for all activity throughout Christian history.

 Pax Vobiscum
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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