
Having vs. Being

One of the most difficult things for us to do is to maintain a certain detachment from the world we live in. Popular culture is increasingly secular and Christian mores and values are frequently dismissed or even openly attacked. Our attitude toward wealth and success is one of those dividing points that separate us from the rest of the world.

There is a distinction between ‘having’ and ‘being.’ Being is one’s life and existence, having is our collected assets that allow us to continue living. Jesus warns us not to confuse who we are with what we have. Our mission and purpose in life is not measured by the amount we have accumulated. This is obvious when we reflect upon the fact that not only do we die and lose all that we have accumulated, but we will also be called to account for our actions in this life.

In the sight of God it is not the quantity of our assets that is important but the quality of our being. This attitude is at odds with a world that measures success by the size of the house you live in and the type of car you drive.

For Christians true success is measured in the way we use our assets in service to others this is how we lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven.

Matthew tells us “where your treasure is, there your will your heart be also.” (6:21) Where are our hearts and what is our treasure?

Pax Vobiscum
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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