
Mary of Nazareth - upcoming film

A new film being distributed by Ignatius Press, it gets a ringing endorsement from Fr. Donald Calloway.

"The most stunning portrayal of the Virgin Mary on film. It will make you want to love her more than ever. An absolute masterpiece!"

You can read Fr. Calloway's review on the Ignatius Press Facebook page.

The trailer looks great, I look forward to seeing it. My only reservation is that this is edited from a much longer film that was released in Europe. "Restless Heart," a film about Saint Augustine, was given a similar treatment.  I think "Restless Heart" suffered from trying to edit so much material into a 2 hour theatrical release (not to mention a few liberties taken with history to tighten up the story, but I digress). So I am cautiously optimistic but based on Fr. Calloway's review I look forward to seeing it.

Ignatius does not have much to say about it at the moment but the web page for the film does have some contact information.


  1. If you have a Netflix account, you can see the movie now. I first saw it about a month ago (maybe). It's not without it's flaws (imho), but it's the best cinematic depiction of Mary's life, I have seen yet.I'm not going to say any more as I'm afraid of spoiling it for you; except to say that for me, there are some very unique and memorable scenes. I don't remember how long the film runs or if it's been edited. I do know that Netflix has it posted in a 2 episode format as opposed to 1. If there is a longer version, I'd really like to see it too.

    1. Thanks Cheryl,
      It sounds like Netflix has the original version which Ignatius edited. As I understand it the full version does have some problematic content. I think I will wait and see the edited version which will be showing here in the Sacramento area on October 13, then go back and compare it to the version Netflix has.
