
Setting the World on Fire

Two thousand years ago, Christ came to set the world on fire. He brought a message of love for God that would affect how we lived our lives and lead us to build a society founded on justice and virtue. Through His disciples the flame of that message has spread throughout the world, toppling oppressive governments and bringing light to a darkened world.

But it did not come without cost. Eleven of the twelve apostles were martyred. They were followed by countless others through the centuries who valued their lives less than the message contained in the fire.

But the fire that once engulfed much of the West has cooled considerably. Places that once blazed high are now little more than smoldering ruins. And so Jesus calls us, reminding us of the mission of the Church. We are not here to make a broken world run smoothly. We are here to transform the world with the fire of Christian virtue and truth. We are here to contend against the evil and wickedness that would separate us from God’s love.

And yes, there will be a cost. American journalist Herbert Agar said; “the truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear.” The Truth may cost us friends and loved ones, perhaps even our lives, but it is a Truth that must be served if we are to be truly free.

It is time to once again set the world on fire.

Pax Vobiscum
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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