
Striving for the Narrow Gate

Several years ago a series of books was published that deal with the question of “life, the universe, and everything.” The answer was revealed to be “42.” The confusion over this answer only served to point out that we really don’t know what the question is.

 Scripture sometimes sounds like this. Time and again Jesus seems to answer a different question than the one He is asked. This is the Lord’s way of telling us that we ask the wrong questions.

 In Jesus’ time the common belief was that very few would be saved, and those only from among God’s chosen people. In our own time we believe almost the opposite, that people are all basically good and that most will be saved. When asked, “will only a few people be saved?” the answer Jesus gives reframes the question.

 He ignores the idea that individual salvation depends upon collective salvation. We are not saved by virtue of the fact that we belong to a particular group. Our Lord focuses on the actions of the individual.

“Strive to enter through the narrow gate.”

 The key to salvation is the heart, rooted in friendship with Christ. If we want be among the saved we must look after our hearts. To strive to enter the narrow gate means we must be rid of the excess baggage that holds us back.

Whatever path we take to the gate it is important that we take it with every effort and truly commit ourselves to knowing Christ better.

 Pax Vobiscum
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

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