
To Be Humble

What does it mean to live our lives with humility? As a virtue, humility is difficult to define. You cannot work to be humble because then you are trying to achieve something. You cannot practice humility for then you are trying to gain something.

Humility is best defined by what it is not. It is not self-aggrandizement. It is not seeking something for yourself. Jesus makes that clear. But there is more to humility than is apparent on the surface. The Lord does not tell us that we should not seek to be honored at all. He does not say that we should seek no reward for our efforts.

Modern critics would have us believe that humility means absolute selflessness, even to the point of denying ourselves personal happiness and fulfillment. Some even criticize Christians saying we only do what is good and right because it makes us feel happy. These opinions miss the mark entirely.

A desire for personal fulfillment is built into us. We were created with a desire to be happy because it will lead us to the source of all that is good and true and right.

 Christ does not condemn the natural desire for reward and honor. He elevates it to its proper place. Our desire for true lasting happiness should lead us to God. We must live our lives with humility, realizing that all of our actions reflect upon our relationship with the Almighty. Through humility those words and actions will constantly glorify God.

Pax Vobiscum
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

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