
It's All About Priorities

Translation of scripture is an inexact science. There are times when an oddly translated word distracts us from fully comprehending the meaning of the passage.

Jesus tells us that whoever does not hate father and mother cannot be His disciple. But in our culture the word “hate” carries very strong associations. Although it is an accurate translation it is a word that tends to distract us from the message. Several scholars suggest, “love less” as an alternative. Although it is less literally accurate it carries a fuller understanding of God’s teaching to us.

Jesus is speaking about priorities. If we are to follow Him we must free ourselves of anything that prevents us from giving ourselves to Him completely. That may include wealth, material goods, and even the relationships of friends and family.

As the incarnation of God He demands the same undivided love that was given God in the Old Covenant, with all our heart, soul and strength.

Jesus challenges us to follow His example. He gave up everything, His friends, His family, even His mother. He had no place to lay His head. He considers His life as nothing and He will carry His own cross.

But we are promised if we give up everything for His sake and the sake of the Gospel, we will receive, along with persecutions, a hundred times more in “houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands,” now in this present age and eternal life in the age to come. (Mk 10:30)

Pax Vobiscum
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

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