
Outside of God's Love

In ancient Judea to be a tax collector was to be a sinner. A chief tax collector, like Zaccheus, was a chief sinner, as could be seen by his great wealth. This great wealth was achieved by collecting more in taxes than was due to the Roman government and pocketing the difference. Zaccheus would have been one of the most hated men in Jericho.

But God cannot hate anything He created. All of existence is maintained by His active will. And so the Son of Man came to seek out and to save what was lost. Zaccheus, sinner that he may have been, was a descendant of Abraham and Jesus saw in him something that could be saved.

This is why the Word was made flesh and came to live among us. He came to restore our broken relationship with God. Christ came to offer us the very thing that we lost through rebellion and disobedience.

We were made to live in communion with God. When we accept the offer of Jesus we experience the calm and serenity that Zaccheus experienced when salvation came to his house. This is the Peace of Christ.

We cannot achieve this on our own. We have tried, many times, and failed. Our happiness here on earth and in the kingdom to come depends upon our right relationship with God.

Remember then when you encounter that person who seems to exist solely to try your patience, that this too is a person God died for.

Pax Vobiscum
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

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