
Our Lord Guides Us As One Of Us

The baptism of Jesus accomplished several things. It served as an example to us of the importance of the Sacrament of Baptism and sanctified all the water in the world for that purpose. At His baptism Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit, He accepted and inaugurated His mission. And arguably the most important reason is that through His baptism Jesus identified Himself with us, the sinners.

Historically there have been two ways that generals have led their armies to victory. They can direct the movement of their troops and resources from a high vantage point, apart from the battle, or they can plan the battle down to the last detail, issue instructions, and then go down among their forces and lead as one of them. Both ways inspire loyalty but only one inspires love.

Jesus came down to us to be one of us. He pitched His tent in our midst and dwelt among us, all out of love for us.

How deeply do we love Him in return? If we believe that He loves us and will not lead us astray then we should be prepared to follow Him. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to guide us through His Bride the Church. When the Church instructs us on religious and moral issues we can be certain that instruction is guided and protected by the Holy Spirit.

Let us pray for open hearts and minds, and the strength to give ourselves completely to Him, all out of love for Him.

Pax vobiscum
Feastday of the Baptism of the Lord

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