
The Choice

“What we see, then, is that two societies have issued from two kinds of love. Worldly Society has flowered from a selfish love which dared to despise even God, whereas the Communion of Saints is rooted in a love of God that is ready to trample on self. In a word, this latter relies on the Lord, whereas the other boasts that it can get along by itself. The city of man seeks the praise of men, whereas the height of glory for the other is to hear God in the witness of conscience. [City of God XIV.28]

We see the difference between “Worldly Society” and the “Communion of Saints” clearly played out in the reactions of Herod and the magi to the birth of the new king. Herod has ruled through extortion and murder, acknowledging no authority other than his own. He is greatly troubled at the news of the Savior’s birth.

The magi on the other hand rejoice and bring gifts, generously offering what they have to honor the new king.

Herod responds with violence, killing any child who might possibly be a threat to his rule. The magi offer their talents (gold), their prayers (frankincense), and their pain and suffering (myrrh.) What do we bring to lay at the feet of the King?

There are really only two choices, to accept God or reject Him, to live in the City of Men or the City of God. It is a choice we make not once but every second of every day.

Pax vobiscum
Solemnity if the Epiphany of the Lord

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