
Are We Ready To Receive God?

In today’s Gospel we hear of Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth. At this precise moment the Old Covenant intertwines with the New. Elizabeth will give birth to the last of the old prophets; Mary will give birth to the fulfillment of all prophecies.

The amazing thing about this encounter is that the presence of the unborn children is just as powerful as the presence of the mothers. John the Baptist leaps for joy while he is still in Elizabeth’s womb, as soon as Jesus who is still in Mary’s womb, enters the room. Even before they are born the children are fulfilling their mission. Their God-given purpose, their calling is already at work in them.

Each of has a calling from God, and each of us have been given gifts to realize that calling. There are no exceptions, and there are no unimportant gifts. And everyday we are faced with a choice. Will we be obedient to God’s will and to use our gifts and fulfill our call, or will we turn from Him and go our own way? Everyday we are faced with the same choice Adam faced in the garden.

And as Advent draws to a close, our time to make that choice grows shorter.

The Lord comes, both as a babe in Bethlehem and as a judge at the end of all things. Are we ready? Have we prepared? Have we followed the example of our Blessed Mother and the divine Son, and said yes to our calling?

Pax Vobiscum
4th Sunday of Advent

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