
The Angel of the Desert

In the Orthodox tradition of icons, John the Baptist, also called John the Forerunner, is frequently depicted with the wings of an angel. The “Angel of the Desert” evokes Mark 1:2 “behold I am sending my messenger (angelos) ahead of you, he will prepare your way.”

In a sense the Forerunner continues his ministry even today. He is the messenger sent by God to prepare the way of the Lord. He preaches “good news to the people.” As we await the coming, or advent, of the Lord, John continues to prepare us through the readings in our Liturgy of the Word.

Advent is traditionally a period of fasting and prayer as we prepare ourselves for the great day of our salvation. But we must remember that it is also a time of joy and anticipation. The Third Sunday of Advent is sometimes called Gaudete Sunday, gaudete being the Latin word for rejoice. We rejoice over the coming of the Lord, both as the child in Bethlehem and as the great judge during the last days.

The rose colored candle in the Advent wreath is not an indication of a lessening of our advent preparation, but rather it is a reminder that the entire season of our preparation is a season of joy as we anticipate our freedom from the bondage of sin.

So let us “stagger on, rejoicing.” This is a time of preparation and joy, when the purple of the penitent is mingled with the white of the purified.

Pax Vobiscum
Gaudete Sunday

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