
Clearing the Way

With the opening words of toady’s Gospel, Christianity is firmly grounded in world history. The detailed contemporary references point to the appearance of John the Baptist and the beginning of the circumstances leading to the salvation of the world. Instead of events happening in some vague mythic past, we are given exact datable facts.

God’s Word comes to John. He is called to serve as the last prophet. In so doing he brings to a close the age of the Old Covenant and becomes the herald of the new. The ancient prophecies, signs and symbols are at last fulfilled.

John speaks of the imminent arrival of the promised Messiah, and the beginning of the end. By his preaching of a baptism of repentance and forgiveness of sins he is calling people to make a choice. With their immersion in water the “converts” leave their old lives and take on new ones, lives that will “make straight” their previously crooked paths.

With the arrival of John we begin our wait and preparation for the coming of the Lord and the last days. So as we wait for the establishment of the new heaven and the new earth, let us prepare by making clear the way of the Lord.

Let us then strive to grow in love and knowledge, that we may perceive the good and reject what is evil. May we be pure and blameless, always striving to do what is right. Then we will ready for the day of Christ.

Pax Vobiscum
2nd Sunday of Advent

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