
Watch and Pray

“in these last days, he spoke to us through a son, whom he made heir of all things and through whom he created the universe” Hebrews 1:2

As the Church begins a new year we look to the beginning…and the end. The time of Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of the Lord, not only as a babe in Bethlehem but also as the divine judge at the end of all things.

The birth of Christ is the beginning of the end; God has spoken His final Word.

All the time in between, from the incarnation to the final judgment is simply the time God has allowed us to decide, do we trust in Him or not? Do we accept Him or will we turn away?

The Christ child comes with sword in hand; He is destined for the rise and fall of many. He comes to save the world but also to divide it. Whoever rejects Him and refuses to accept His words, will be condemned on the Last Day. Christmas is not a festival of peace and goodwill, it is a signal that God has come among us and now is the time for us to decide.

Our part is to “be vigilant at all times and pray.” We have been told in recent weeks it is not for us to know the day or the hour. What is important is that we are always ready. This is our time of testing.

Watch and pray.

Pax Vobiscum
First Sunday of Advent

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