
Obeying God is our Highest Priority

In the Old Covenant it was unusual for a woman to desire to be a mother in order that she may return that child to God. But that is what Hannah did. She returns to God the son she asked for, the son received from Him. Hannah points ahead not only to Mary’s sacrifice but also serves as a model for all Christian families who are often called to return one child, if not more, to God.

As children of God we are to be obedient to God the Father. The Holy Family exemplifies that for us. Joseph accepts the child as his own. He must do this to obey God’s will and for the child to be a true son of David. Mary has been told that a sword will pierce her heart, and she has already given her son back to the divine Father. And Jesus recognizes the will of the divine father to such a degree that he seems puzzled that Mary and Joseph did not know where to find him.

Obedience to God is at the heart of the Holy Family. It holds us together even more tightly than familial bonds. Jesus returns with Mary and Joseph and is obedient to them while he continues to grow in wisdom and favor. But obedience to God is primary.

The Holy Family shows us the answer to the question God has posed to us from the beginning. Do we trust in Him? Are we obedient to His will?

Pax Vobiscum
Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

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