
God Makes Himself Known to the Entire World

The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem was a quiet moment, limited to a few people. Today we celebrate the manifestation of God to the entire world, specifically to the gentile nations who had received no prophecies and heard no heavenly hymns of praise.

But the Gentile astrologers did see a sign. Through an unusual star in the common constellations, God sent them a message they could not ignore. And so they came, nations and kings, to the light of Israel. They did not come to Israel itself. The people had become so used to God’s Word they had grown somewhat deaf to it, the nations came to the Light itself.

The Light brings together a new people, gathered from all nations, a people of God, a people chosen.

Let us be wakeful and watchful. Let us be mindful of the manifestations of God that occur around us every day. In this season we welcome and pray for the new candidates who have come to us, drawn by the Light.

And this year in particular we also watch for our brothers and sisters who are returning home. We reach out to those who are coming to us with questions, and those who are tired and long for nothing more than to be again counted among God’s children.

We are doubly blessed this year with converts and prodigals. These are our brothers and sisters who often reveal to us new and fruitful paths, let us listen to them, and welcome them with joy.

Pax Vobiscum
The Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

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