
Our Anchor and Our Guide

The Church is often referred to as the Bark of Saint Peter. A bark is a type of boat. From its’ earliest days the Church was seen as a boat sailing on unpredictable and sometimes dangerous seas. It is unsurprising that this analogy was extended to the ship’s wheel that guides the ship and the anchor that holds it safe and secure.

The similarity in shape between the anchor and the cross, led to a beautiful interpretation of the crucifix, known as the Mariner’s Cross. The crucified Christ is incorporated onto the anchor, frequently a ship’s wheel is added behind.

The Lord is our anchor, our support, in good times and in bad. It is God who gives us confidence in this life and steers our course. We can trust in Him rather than our own weaknesses.

When we follow Him we agree to give up the pretense that through our own efforts we can have control over our lives. As Christians we are on an unpredictable adventure over stormy seas. But God is at the helm to guide us, and when we need to rest and pray it is God who anchors us.

We have been taught all our lives to trust only in ourselves for success and happiness. But to follow God we must unlearn that lesson, give up our sense of security, and put our trust completely in Him. With Christ as our anchor and our guide we no longer look back into the darkness, but move forward confidently into the light.

 Pax Vobiscum
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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