
Picking Ourselves Up

There are times when, despite our best efforts, we fail. Even though we know that our ministry is desperately needed, we are sometimes rejected.

Jesus told us to work hard. He told us there would be difficulties because we are as lambs going out among wolves. He cautioned us to put our trust in God, not in our own resources. And He encouraged us to stay focused on our mission and avoid distractions.

And even though we go out well prepared, He told us that we would encounter rejection.

But we are prepared for this as well.

How does a Christian deal with failure? As Christ told us, we shake the dust from our feet and move on. We are bearers of the Good News, and every person is free to embrace or reject God’s grace. Christ Himself could not convince everyone to follow Him, should we expect anything different?

One of the greatest threats against us is discouragement. It is easy to feel we did something wrong, or we are not up to the task. If we let these thoughts settle into our hearts they stifle us and make us content to accept less.

The truth is that discouragement is just disappointment over unfulfilled expectations. But Christ reminds us of what are expectations should be. We will face obstacles, be rejected and persecuted. If we know this then we need not be discouraged. We can be humble, trust in Christ, wipe the dust from our feet, and move on.

Pax Vobiscum
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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