
God is Ever Near to Us

St. Paul’s Letter to the Colossians echoes the Gospel according to Saint John. “All things were made through Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.”

All of creation was made through Christ the Word. He is the archetype of all being and we are His image.

The creator cannot help but leave his mark on his creation. We see this reflected in our own nature. We can often identify the author of a work by the way he composes his words, or the artist behind a painting by the way he draws. The creator always leaves his impression on his creation.

In the same way God leaves His impression on us just as He has on the entire world.  It has become fashionable to consider the human race as alien to this world, that we do not belong to it and are not part of nature. But we are intimately connected to the world around us for we all bear the impression of the Creator.

God is not too distant for us to comprehend. He is ever near and ever relevant to our daily lives. Because all things exist in Christ, the Word is near to us. Our conscience can perceive it. It is within our ability to understand it, consider it, and implement it.

It is easy to make excuses, but we cannot escape the reality of our existence. We know what we must do, we know right from wrong, because it is written in our hearts.

Pax Vobiscum
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Deacon Lawrence. Many people, Catholic artists especially, see God as the artist of the beautiful world in which we live. One cannot stand by the sea shore nor look at the stars nor the wilderness without being drawn by our Creator.
