
Saint Lawrence, Pray for Us

Saint Lawrence ©Lawrence Klimecki
One thousand seven hundred and fifty five years ago today, Lawrence, deacon of Rome, after many tortures, was put to death due to his Christian beliefs. Because he passed the wealth of the Church on to the poor and needy, widows and orphans, he suffered a particularly horrible end of being tied to a grid-work of iron and roasted alive over an open fire. The grace that filled this servant of the Church allowed him to keep his sense of humor even unto death. It is recorded by two eyewitnesses that his last words were,

"I am done, you can eat now."

Lawrence is the patron saint of deacons and comedians. Perhaps the lesson for all deacons, is to keep all things in perspective, and remember to laugh at the feeble attempts to destroy the Master by going after the servants.

May we be inspired by his spirit of service and faith and persevere in times of persecution, Saint Lawrence pray for us.

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