
The Life of a Pilgrim

To live as a Christian is to live a life that is constantly moving and active, a life of faith based on what God has taught us, and a life based on the knowledge that we will one day be called to account for ourselves. This is the life of a pilgrim.

We live here as strangers and guests, seeking a homeland that is beyond our present experience. But in receiving Christ we have been given a glimpse of our heavenly homeland, we know it is there and we know that one day we will reach it.

God does not leave us in uncertainty. Although we may be severely tested in our faith, God has given us assurances of our final destination. If we are attentive, God provides us with signs to let us know that we are on the right path. But even so we do not put our faith in signs and miracles, but on the faithfulness of God who always keeps His promises.

And along the way we are given missions and assignments based on our gifts. We carry out these assignments best when we never lose sight of the fact that we may be called to account for ourselves at any time, when we live every moment with our eyes fixed on the light of eternity.

We can only maintain our sense of justice and righteousness if we look beyond this passing temporal world to the eternal embodiment of those ideas, the Living Lord, Jesus Christ.

Pax Vobiscum
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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