
Are We Prudent Stewards?

In the parable of the dishonest steward, Jesus appears to be praising unscrupulous behavior. But it is important to understand the parable in the context of the customs of the day. Wealthy merchants hired agents or stewards to conduct their business affairs. It was common for these agents to inflate what was owed to the master and line their own pockets with the difference. The fact that this steward was about to be dismissed from his position would indicate that he had stepped over the line and was impacting what was owed to the master. The dishonesty of the steward is a given, irrelevant to the point Jesus makes.

The master commends the steward for giving up his “commission” by having debtors write new notes for only the real amount owed (minus the steward’s profit.) In this way the steward ingratiates himself with the master’s debtors in order to secure his place elsewhere when he is dismissed.

It is this prudence that Jesus praises. He points out that the children of this world are careful to provide for themselves and admonishes the Children of Light to look after their future in the kingdom to come.

We are very concerned about providing for ourselves. Social security, investments, and retirement income seem to occupy much of our thought. How are we preparing to be welcomed into the “eternal dwellings?” How will we account for our stewardship of the many gifts, talents, and abilities that have been entrusted to us by God?

Pax Vobiscum
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1 comment:

  1. FINALLY! I finally now understand what that parable is about.... THANK YOU.
