
Sins of Omission

In the story of Lazarus and the rich man, what sin did the rich man commit that condemned him? He wasn’t a thief, or a murderer, or even a liar. He appears to have been a good guy, wealthy, successful, with a large family whom he cared about. So what action sent him to the netherworld?

In fact it was nothing he did; it was something he did not do. How many times have we heard someone say that they will get to heaven because they haven’t committed any mortal sins? “I’m a good guy,” they say, “I haven’t killed anyone or stolen anything.” This is not a Christian attitude.

Christ did not come to us to simply lead a sinless life. He came to show us the need to take an active role in our salvation. He came to work, to seek out the lost sheep. He came to bring light to a darkened world.

If we are to live like Christ then we must live for others.

When Christ was asked what was the most important commandment, He did not list all the things we should not do. Instead He told us of two things we must do, love God, and love our neighbor.

The rich man may have been without sin but he closed his heart to a neighbor in dire need. He was concerned only with himself. But the law of heaven is self-giving and in the end he was not fit to live there.

Pax Vobiscum
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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